10:00 - 11:00
Opening session
- 09.00 - 10.00 : Registration / Welcome Coffee / First visit to the exhibition
- 10.00 - 11:00 : 0pening session
- 10.00 - 10.05 : Welcome to PLUGGY’s Final Event - Yannis Vassiliou, Director of ICCS, Greece
- 10.05 - 10.10 : Setting the scene - Giannis Karaseitanidis, Technical Manager, I-SENSE Group of ICCS, PLUGGY Coordination team, Greece
- 10.10 - 10.25 : Cultural Heritage goes…smart - George Moschovis, Deputy Head, Representation of the European Commission in Greece
- 10.25 - 10.40 : Opening Speech - Ioannis Rentzos, Hellenic Ministry of Digital Governance, Greece
- 10.40 - 11.00 : PLUGGY Overview - Nikos Frangakis, Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group, PLUGGY Coordination team, Greece
George Moschovis
Deputy Head, Representation of the European Commission in Greece
Nikos Frangakis
Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group, PLUGGY Coordination team, Greece
11:00 - 11:20
Coffee Break
11:20 - 13:00
Session I: “Towards a Pluggable Social Platform for Heritage Awareness and Participation: Key results”
Moderator: Luis Molina-Tanco, Profesor Contratado Doctor, University of Málaga, Spain
- 11.20 - 11.35 : “The PLUGGY Social Platform” - Luis Molina-Tanco, Profesor Contratado Doctor, University of Malaga, Spain
- 11.35 -11.50 : “Authoring Tool” - Spyros Bolierakis, Researcher, Software Developer, ICCS, Greece
- 11.50 - 12.05 : “Behind the Curtain – Non Technical Introduction to Backend Services and Extendability” - Peter Smatana, Researcher, Software Developer, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
- 12.05 - 12.15 : “PLUGGY3D. Augmented Reality for cultural heritage” - Arcadio Reyes-Lecuona, Associate Professor, University of Málaga, Spain
- 12.15 - 12.25 : “PLUGGY – Pins” - Yiannis Nikolopoulos, CTO and co-founder, Clio Muse, Greece
- 12.25 - 12.35 : “PLUGGY Serious Games: new user engagement strategies in cultural heritage” - Stefano Tamasceli, CEO and Founder, XTeam Software Solutions srls, Italy
- 12.35 - 12.45 : “PlugSonic – creating and interacting with 3D soundscapes” - Lorenzo Picinali, Senior Lecturer, Imperial College London, UK
- 12.45 - 13.00 : Questions & Answers
Ομιλητής - Συντονιστής
Luis Molina-Tanco
Profesor Contratado Doctor, University of Málaga, Spain
Peter Smatana
Researcher, Software Developer, Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
13:00 - 14:00
Lunch break – exhibition walk and try it yourself demonstration
14:00 - 14:20
App challenge: “Winner announcement & awards ceremony”
Presentation: Nikos Frangakis, Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group
Nikos Frangakis
Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group, PLUGGY Coordination team, Greece
14:20 - 15:30
Session: “EU advances for Cultural Heritage promotion: Best practices & lessons learned”
Moderator: Christodoulos Ringas, Head of Research and Educational Programmes Dept. of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP)
10’ presentation of relevant projects
- “Pick out cultural and creative places in European cities: the CULTURAL GEMS app” – Francesco Panella, European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
- “CultureLabs: Digital technologies and cultural heritage at the service of social innovation” – Eirini Kaldeli, National and Technical University of Athens, Greece
- “CROSSCULT: Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crossroads of European history” – Angela Antoniou, University of Peloponnese, Greece
- “The EMOTIVE project – Exploring digital storytelling and social interaction to foster an emotional connection with cultural sites” – Akrivi Katifori, Researcher, ATHENA Research Center, Greece
- “Heritage for Rural Regeneration: the RURITAGE project” – Elisa Conticelli, Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Italy
10’ presentations of industrial projects
- “PIOP’s Network of Museums” – Christodoulos Ringas, Head of Research and Educational Programmes Dept. of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP)
- “Cultural organisations becoming social, The digital story of EMST”- Kassiani Benou, Arts and Cultural Manager / Communication Manager of the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST)
Christodoulos Ringas
Head of Research and Educational Programmes Dept. of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP)
Francesco Panella
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
Eirini Kaldeli
National and Technical University of Athens, Greece
Christodoulos Ringas
Head of Research and Educational Programmes Dept. of the Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (PIOP)
Kassiani Benou
Arts and Cultural Manager / Communication Manager of the National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens (EMST)
15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break – Demonstration of the winning applications
16:00 - 17:00
Round table discussion: “Promoting local cultural heritage: Which is the way forward?”
Moderator: Nikos Frangakis, Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group
- Francesco Panella, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Belgium
- Angela Antoniou, University of Peloponnese, Greece
- Eric Cauchi, Director and CEO Eternal Greece Ltd, specialist tour operating company, UK
- Angeliki Peleki, Cultural Management Msc. Creative Europe Desk Greece, Directorate of International Affairs and European Union of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
- Yiannis Nikolopoulos, Co-founder and CTO of Clio Muse tours, Greece
Nikos Frangakis
Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group, PLUGGY Coordination team, Greece
Francesco Panella
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Ispra, Italy
Eric Cauchi
Director and CEO Eternal Greece Ltd, specialist tour operating company, UK
Angeliki Peleki
Cultural Management Msc. Creative Europe Desk Greece, Directorate of International Affairs and European Union of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
17:00 - 18:00
Closing Notes
Nikos Frangakis,Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group, PLUGGY Coordination team, Greece
Nikos Frangakis
Senior Researcher, ICCS, VR-AR Team Leader I-SENSE Group, PLUGGY Coordination team, Greece