Διάλεξη του καθ. ελληνικής φιλολογίας(Οξφόρδης), Tim Rood:The Greek Palimpsest: Alfred Zimmern at the British School at Athens,1909–10 - Lecture by Professor Tim Rood (Oxford) on The Greek Palimpsest: Alfred Zimmern at the British School at Athens,1909–10 | ΔΙΑΥΛΟΣ

Διάλεξη του καθ. ελληνικής φιλολογίας(Οξφόρδης), Tim Rood:The Greek Palimpsest: Alfred Zimmern at the British School at Athens,1909–10 - Lecture by Professor Tim Rood (Oxford) on The Greek Palimpsest: Alfred Zimmern at the British School at Athens,1909–10



Ζωντανα τωρα

4 Απριλίου 2025

Aνατολική Αίθουσα
12:00 - 14:00 Διάλεξη του καθ. ελληνικής φιλολογίας(Οξφόρδης), Tim Rood:The Greek Palimpsest: Alfred Zimmern at the British School at Athens,1909–10 - Lecture by Professor Tim Rood (Oxford) on The Greek Palimpsest: Alfred Zimmern at the British School at Athens,1909–10

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