Abstract: Applied to laser, Chirped Pulse Amplification makes possible the amplification of extremely short pulses in the femtosecond (10^-15s) regime to the highest level, producing the highest light intensity, the highest pressure, the highest temperature, the highest acceleration. The applications are numerous and range from the medical with eye surgery, X-Ray, proton therapy, nuclear medicine, the elimination of space debris and the route to abundant and safe nuclear energy.
A simple and short description of the laser CPA concept and its applications will be given.
Gerard Mourou is Haut Collège Professor at the Ecole polytechnique in France and the A.D. Moore Distinguished Professor at the Université du Michigan. He received the 2018 Nobel Prize with his student Donna Strickland for the invention of the revolutionary laser technique known as Chirped pulse Amplification (CPA) making possible laser pulse amplification to extremely high level and its numerous applications.