About the Webinar:
Wall-paintings from the “Palace of Nestor” at Pylos constitute today one of the largest and most varied pictorial corpora of the Mycenaean mainland, preserving evidence of a painting tradition that began in Middle Helladic III and Late Helladic I contexts, as is demonstrated by material uncovered in recent excavations. In addition, the discovery, during the past two decades, of new pictorial representations among unpublished plaster fragments in the storeroom of the Chora Museum, has challenged us to evaluate in greater depth the cultural and artistic contexts in which the wall-paintings of the final phase of the palace were produced and displayed. In this lecture, Dr. Brecoulaki reflects on stylistic and technical differences that may serve as ‘markers’ of artistic micro-contexts to distinguish between paintings from earlier and later contexts in the palace. She also considers the multiple perspectives of a modern ‘observer’, which in turn affect the interpretation of ancient artefacts and their contexts. Finally, a new reconstruction of the well-known Battle Scene from Hall 64 is discussed under this prism.
Σημαντική σημείωση: Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στα Αγγλικά.